English Medium Instruction (EMI) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

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Welcome to Module 1!

In this module, we will explore English medium instruction (EMI) in global contexts and also in Indonesia. Speakers will examine current EMI practice and explore the relationships between EMI and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), English for Academic purposes (EAP) and English for Specific Purposes (ESP). They will also discuss collaboration between teachers and teacher professional development needs.

Completing this module will help you to: 

  • Demostrate an understanding of EMI in higher education, including current practices, driving forces behind the growth of EMI, and key issues across various contexts globally.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the EMI context in higher education in Indonesia (driving forces for EMI, types of EMI, challenges and opportunities).  
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between EMI and EAP/ESP and opportunities for collaboration. 

During this Module you will hear from:

Dr.Nicola Galloway from the University of Glasgow, the UK, who will:

  • present on the growth of EMI and the key forces driving the global spread of EMI.
  • define EMI within policy and discuss challenges associated with EMI.
  • give an account of the approaches to EMI, including practices and language support models.

Mr. Michael Budzenski from the University of Edinburgh, the UK, who will:

  • introduce teacher-related challenges in EMI settings, including materials and mixed-ability classes.
  • discuss what it means to be an EMI teacher and the efforts to prepare teachers working in EMI settings.
  • discuss the changing role of EAP/ESP/English language teachers and developing collaboration between EMI and EAP/ESP teachers.

Dr. Nurmala Simbolon from Politeknik Negeri Pontianak, Indonesia, who will:

  • explore the driving forces for EMI at universities in Indonesia and current practices.
  • explore challenges encountered by lecturers in Indonesia and potential directions for future research  on EMI.
  • discuss the need to (and ways to) nurture collaborative work between EMI and English (ESP/EAP) lecturers and highlight the need for courses like this for Indonesian lecturers.

Dr Ursula Wingate from King’s College London, the UK, who will:

  • discuss EMI around the world before focusing on Indonesia and the  challenges to implementing EMI.
  • present the similarities and differences between EMI, CLIL, EAP, and ESP.
  • highlight the role of EAP in teacher training and student support.

Glossary of Key Terms

Before continuing with the module, you may find it useful to familiarise yourself with the following key terms.

EMIEnglish Medium Instruction
CLILContent and Language Integrated Learning
EAPEnglish for Academic Purposes
ESPEnglish for Specific Purposes
MOOCMassive Online Open Course

We hope you enjoy the module!

Start tuning yourself in to Session A with Dr Nicola Galloway

Module content

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